This is our story

The company that is operating this project is Applause. Applause is a global leader in crowd testing, feedback and research. Our global community of software experts provide a full range of testing and feedback services, at a pace customers can't live without. 

Small things with big difference


Meet the real world heroes

Doron Reuveni

As CEO and Co-Founder, Doron Reuveni is the driving force behind one of the fastest growing tech companies in New England.

Chris Malone

Chief Financial Officer 

Chris is responsible for overseeing the financial strategy and administrative operations of Applause. 

Tom Bonos

Senior VP, Global Sales 

Tom Bonos joined Applause after serving as the Executive Vice President of Sales for ServiceSource, Inc.  

Rahul Shah

Senior VP, Global Delivery & Customer Success

As Senior Vice President of Global Delivery & Customer Success, Rahul is the company's Chief Promise Keeper. 

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